Saturday, April 01, 2006

Nikki's breakthrough

Nikki has been doing really well with her fear of flies this week. She has come outside with us simply because she would have been left in the house alone for most of the past five days. But tonight we had a major breakthrough. The kids wanted to have a picnic on the back porch for supper, and of course the back door was left open for a while as everyone tromped in and out getting food and napkins and drinks, etc. Well, wouldn't you know that while I was giving the girls a bath, there was a fly buzzing around the bathroom. I was so surprised that Nikki didn't flip out. She actually wanted to stay in the bathroom and watch me get it with the flyswatter (which did turn out to be quite a show -- it was a really fast one =]). There ended up being three flies caught in the bathrooms tonight. All the kids wanted to come in and help me, and since we are watching my brother's 2 girls this weekend that was a whole lot of bodies in the smallest rooms of the house! So, way to go Nikki. I was so proud of her.


Kristen said...

don't you LOVE this weather?! good for nikki. its nice to see them succeed at something difficult. you just want to give them a blue ribbon! i would have loved to see the flyswatting show, too. i bet the girls had a BLAST with that!

Susan said...

I'm glad there were no video cameras to catch my flyswatting acrobatics on film!

The weather has been so great! I've been out weeding the flowers, and I think I'll cut the grass in the next couple of days. I love it, and it has been soooo nice to have Nikki not complain about going out. I don't think anybody could complain about being outside in this weather!