My body found a really cruel way to be kind. I figure it was because I didn't exercise all week that yesterday my body took over its own weight-loss regimen (okay, maybe it was only because Nikki was sick the day before =}). I was so sick I couldn't stand up without having to make a run to the bathroom. What a day! Nikki and I were supposed to go spend the morning at Hannah's school for field day, but Nikki was so sweet to me even with having to stay home. Then our realtor called and said that someone wanted to come view our house. It about did me in, but I got the laundry folded and put a few things away. I had to call Nate to come home, and he was an angel. I really don't think I could have driven anywhere, but with the help of a great family I made it through. I had no idea a digestive tract could hold so much material! Okay, that's gross so I'll move on.
I was a little worried because today I was supposed to play in an organ master class in Raleigh and I really didn't want to bail out. This morning I was much better. I stuck with a couple of graham crackers for breakfast and everything was fine. The master class was really neat. There were 5 organ students who played a prepared piece for Dr. Jack Mitchener, an organ professor at The School of the Arts in Winston-Salem. Then he would give ideas on how to improve. He was trying to get me to put more accents in certain spots and be more musical, and all I could think was that I wished I was sitting at a piano. It would have been so much easier to follow his advice that way. The other students were all working on bachelor or doctorate degrees in organ, so my little piece was pretty simple compared to the rest of them. Actually, I think my piece was a nice break on the ears because the other students played these incredibly difficult, not very pretty pieces. Everyone was surprised that I had only been playing the organ for 4 months. It was a great experience.
I'm amazed you were able to get up and do anything. Icky stuff! Glad you're all feeling better.
The organ class sounds really neat. What a good experience! Do you play every sunday at church, or just sub?
My class has been so fun. It has taken up a lot of my time, so I'm actually glad that I'm almost finished with it. But at the same time, I have really loved it. There are about 4 people in our ward who are brave enough to try to play on Sundays, so we rotate. May is my month, and I'm excited to actually use the pedals this coming Sunday. We'll see how that goes.
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