Sunday, August 05, 2007

Linville Cavern

We enjoyed our visit to the Linville Cavern. Before we went in, Nikki asked what a cavern was. Hannah's eyes got really big when I told them we were going inside the mountain. The tour guide turned off all the lights for a few seconds to demonstrate what it's like to be in complete darkness. Afterwards, we asked them how they liked going through the cave, and Nikki said when they turned the lights out it was "pooky" (spooky).


Kristen said...

We went to the caverns when I was little. I loved them!!!! How fun that you guys went on this trip. :)

Susan said...

It was fun to see some of the sights in NC that I hadn't seen before. Since I grew up closer to the coast, I'm more familiar with the beach sites like the Wright Brothers Memorial and stuff like that.

We had a fun tour guide through the caverns. He made a lot of jokes and he also knew a lot of the history and geological facts. I'm glad we went.