Monday, January 21, 2008


Last week at church a mother of 9 came up to me and asked, "Are you expecting?" What?! Doesn't she know better than that? Talk about a loaded question. My first response was, "Is that a fat joke?" But then, I couldn't help but be nice and answer truthfully. Yes, I am. Another lady overheard her, so the news is out. Earlier than I wanted it to be, but there it is. One of the ladies said she thought I had a glow about me. Ha! That is so ridiculous. I said that to Nate and he said, "Yeah, the only thing glowing around here is the floor I just mopped." :) He's right. I was just so shocked that she would ask. I'm not really looking pregnant yet, I'm just in the fat stage, which is becoming very deserved because I cannot stop eating. And I don't want crackers or salad. I want meat and potatoes or something big and filling with some sustenance to it. If I'm not eating, I'm usually lying down. I think this is some cruel twist of fate trying to get me to realize the importance of balance in all things. I normally love eating and napping, but now I feel forced to do it all the time. I can't complain at all, though, because I haven't thrown up yet, and Nate has been a saint and just helped me out so much. Anyway, this is my reason for not blogging much lately. I've been too busy in the kitchen or on the couch. :) I'm due at the end of August, so we have quite a ways to go and we are very excited about it. Nate's excited for our grocery bill to go back down. :)


Kellee said...

I'd rather be hungry than sick too! Just stay away from the cookies!!

Kristen said...

Congratulations and more congratulations! :) You sound like you gain weight the way I do--its like I take the test and gain 10 lbs. My counselor is due in early March and still looks fabulous. Where is the justice in that? I'm glad you're feeling ok, though. We wish you all the best! Keep us posted!