Saturday, February 23, 2008

Hannah's Birthday

Here are a few pictures from Hannah's birthday party last week. It's taken me a while to get them posted. Here is my best artistic attempt at cake decorating this year. Hannah was pleased, so I guess that's all that counts. Can you guess how old she is?

Opening presents with cousins. Nikki now wants a pink poodle webkins for her birthday, but Hannah is pretty adamant that she can't have that because Hannah already has one. Nikki doesn't care that there are other kinds, she wants the pink poodle. Funny girls.

It was a little mean to spread the candles all around the whole cake, but she did a good job anyway. And I know I look 8 months pregnant in this picture. Definitely not my best side.

Is there a cuter baby out there? Brenna is so adorable.


Kristen said...

AHHHHHHHH!!!!! Please tell me that's not a 7 on her cake. That means Elise will be in May--but I know it can't be true. She's still 4 right? Oh. My. Goodness. I'm in complete denial.

Kellee said...

Happy late Birthday Hannah! You do a great job on your cakes Susan.