Sunday, August 24, 2008

Ryan Scott Robbins

We had our baby on Wednesday, August 20 at 2:11 pm. I had a doctor's appointment that morning and he sent me on over to the hospital from there. It was so nice not going in the middle of the night this time! Here are a few pictures. I think Nate emailed most of these to all the family, but I'll post them for journaling's sake. I took a few more today but deleted them while I was in the process of transferring them to the computer. Nice. We're all doing well and getting ready for the first day of school tomorrow. Nate is taking 2 weeks off of work, and I am SO excited about that.

Ryan Scott Robbins
Nikki and Ryan
Hannah and Ryan
Hannah, Mom, Ryan, and Nikki
Daddy got diaper duty when the big one hit. The girls were pretty interested in what was going on.


Kellee said...

Yeah! I'm the first on your blog to congratulate you. He is so adorable and a little Nate Jr.!! Enjoy 2 weeks with the boys!!

Kristen said...

Yay!!! Congratulations!!! He's adorable and you look amazing! How much did he weigh? Best of luck and enjoy some time off. :)

JW and Alli said...

I love all the pictures - he is sooooo Hannah. I especially love the one with Nate doing diaper duty. He has proof now that he is such a great helper.

julie said...

Hey Susan. Your pictures got me excited and scared all at the same time. You look great and he is a cutie. Phil had a dream that our baby was really ugly. So if you don't get pictures after he is born for a long time... you know why! Love you and congrats.

Kim said...

ADORABLE!! He is a little Nate and Hannah! Nikki seams like she's doing just fine with a boy. He's got a good solid name--I love it. As for Julie's comment??? I don't think it's possible that they could have an ugly baby!? Anyway, I'm so excited for you!! Our 3 little boys will have lots of fun together when you come out. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

How totally cool to watch my younger brother be a great daddy!!!
and how cute to the onlookers!

Anonymous said...

now how do you do this,
I don't know how to blog, I'm laura nates sistee, not anonomous. I guess I've got some learning to do.

Anonymous said...

He is so adorable! Reminds me of whitney and lindsay holding Gabe.
The will love him so much, and they will probably paint his toenails and dress him up, even up to age 3 or 4. But don't worry, Gabe is all boy now.

Susan said...

Kristen, he was 7 lbs 7 oz. I'm really glad he was 9 days early! That was my biggest baby.

And Julie, are you kidding? It definitely would be impossible for you guys to have an ugly baby! Pregnancy dreams are interesting, though. I dreamed a lot that I left the hospital and forgot to take my baby home with me. I want to see a pregnant picture of you! I so wish I could see you. Good luck with this last little bit. I am so glad to not be pregnant anymore!

Laura, I'm so glad you looked at our blog. Nate is a great dad. We are so blessed to have him. I guess all those times you dressed him up didn't hurt him, so Gabe and Ryan should turn out just fine even with their older sisters' help!