Tuesday, October 07, 2008

7 Hours!!

That's how long Ryan slept last night! Can you hear me singing? What a fabulous baby! Now, if I could have everything I wished for, he would have slept from 11pm - 6 am, but he went from 8 pm - 3 am and I'm not going to complain about it. I'm ready for bed by 8:30 anyway. Last week I kept trying to wake him up for that last feeding of the night, and he just wouldn't do it so I've given up. I woke up around 2 am and thought, "Is he okay? Should I go check on him? ... no, he'll let me know when he's ready." And he did. And I feel so good this morning! Maybe I'll be able to do something productive today ... maybe.


JW and Alli said...

Awesome! That is always a great day. Hope there are lots more like them. I'm glad to hear Nikki is doing better, too. Sounds like you're off to a great week!

Kim said...

So glad that Nikki's better. It's no fun having a sick little one! I know I shouldn't, but I am coveting the 7 hours you got last night!! Wyatt's has done that, but I can't remember the last time. I could use one of those!

Kellee said...

Yeah! Sleep is one of the most important ingredients to a happy mommy.

Amy Niebuhr said...

I would give ANYTHING for 7 hours!!! Cade is 3 months and he is still getting up every 4 - 4 hours. What is your secret? Are you giving him liquor in his bottle????

Susan said...

Haha, Amy! I just wrote a post about the book I love to get a baby to sleep. I don't know how you do it starting after a few months, but maybe there would be a few tips to pick out of it. Cade's still little, though. You will be able to have another good night's sleep before too long!

And Kim, I think you are amazing if you can still homeschool while Wyatt isn't sleeping that long! Maybe a little Benedryl wouldn't be such a bad idea. :)