My friend Amy asked how I got Ryan to sleep so well, and this is my secret. I didn't get him drunk. :) I've been thinking about writing about this anyway. I hadn't heard of this book when I had Hannah, and I think I will feel guilty until the day I die about the awful job I did nursing her. By the time she was two months old she had only gained a pound and a little bit over her birth weight. I might cry just thinking about it. I had no idea how to take care of her, and I didn't ask anyone for help. I had read some breastfeeding books and the material you get from the hospital and pediatrician, but all of that was based on demand-feeding principles and I knew I didn't want to do that. But then I didn't know what to do.
The thing I like so much about this book is that it's not extreme. It's doesn't advise demand feeding or going strictly by the clock. It's a middle of the road approach focused on having a predictable schedule but allowing for flexibility when needed. To me, the fact that this encourages good nighttime sleep is just a bonus. I really needed it just to understand when and how much an infant needs to eat.
I think one of the hardest parts of parenting is being consistent. During the first year of life, babies are learning whether they can trust you to meet their needs. I always worried that if sometimes I picked them up right when they cried but sometimes I just let them cry it out to sleep, then I wasn't being consistent and would be causing emotional trauma to my poor baby. Now I think I was just causing myself the trauma. With a predictable schedule I can generally know that he's not hungry right now, so in order to meet his needs in the best way he needs to cry himself to sleep. Or, I can tell that he's probably hungry and I don't mind feeding him even if it's not exactly when I predicted he would eat again. That's a huge difference in my mindset from Hannah. I wouldn't believe she could be hungry yet and would get so frustrated that nothing else would settle her down but nursing. Oh, I can't even talk about her without getting upset with myself.
So, Nate and I can't decide if Ryan is just a really good baby, or if we just have relaxed and learned a lot since our girls were babies. It's probably both. I read this book before I had Nikki, and it helped tons, but I think I have been even better at applying the principles this time around. I highly recommend this one.
So, Nate and I can't decide if Ryan is just a really good baby, or if we just have relaxed and learned a lot since our girls were babies. It's probably both. I read this book before I had Nikki, and it helped tons, but I think I have been even better at applying the principles this time around. I highly recommend this one.
Now that I know this baby isn't coming this week, I should go get the book and read it. I knew there were advantages to your best friend getting married years before me and I am started to take advantage of that. Thanks for the tip and for being the guinea pig (please forgive the comparison!)
Yep. That book is a must-have. I used it with Savannah and Luke. It's amazing how much of a difference sleep made with the 1st two and the last two.
Julie, you should definitely get the book. You'll be better off than I was, though, because you have Kim and your mom and lots of people around to help you. Maybe I did too, but I didn't ask anyone my questions. You can always call me, too. Not that I could really be all that much help. Good luck with this last little bit of pregnancy! Hope it doesn't last too long.
I'm so relieved to hear that you haven't been getting the baby drunk!! I'm so excited to know about this book. I'm going to order it online as it's not exactly a hot item in Korea?!?! Thanks for your tip. Hopefully it will help with Cade.
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