Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Craft day

We have had a fun day today. We were going to go to the library, but we all agreed that just a day home would be nice. I think Baby Ryan especially was happy about that. He has become a bit picky about where he wants to take his naps. I thought they did a great job on these picture frames. We're working on some flower pots now. I'll have to get a picture of those later.
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Kristen said...

So CUTE!!! Elise loves crafty stuff! Looks like you've had a fun track out so far. You are full of great ideas. :)

Kellee said...

Cool! Their real heads are as big as their photo heads :) They're cute!

julie said...

I love that idea. I think it is interesting how different personalities and show up in art projects. Your girls beautiful.

Kim said...

Go super-mom!! Impressive! Those are really cute.