Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Shoot this thang!

Jerry Clower tells a joke where Marcel Ledbetter takes a man coon huntin' one night, and his prize coon dog treed the biggest coon he ever saw. Marcel decided to climb up in the tree to scare the coon out, but when he got up there he discovered it wasn't a coon. It was a lynx -- a suped-up bobcat. All of a sudden the man on the ground hears Marcel screamin', "Awww, shoot this thang, awww, shoot this thang!" The man calls back to him, "Marcel, I can't shoot up in thar. I might shoot you." To which Marcel responds, "Go on ahead and shoot up in here amongst us. One o' us has got to have some relief!"

I was just thinking that tonight it's a good thing that Nate doesn't own any coon dogs or firearms. Between my coughing and Ryan's crying he just might be ready to have some relief.


Kellee said...

You are too funny! I have seen Jerry Clower on CD at Wal-Mart so many times and have almost bought them. I really should one day :)

Hope you get some relief without any firearms soon :)

Kristen said...

Cory always tells Jerry Clower stories. :)

I hope you all feel better soon. :)

Susan said...

Thanks guys. I feel fine during the day -- just can't sleep at night, but wait, that's normal with Ryan anyway, right? He's such a stinker.

Kim said...

Jerry Clower....now that's a name I haven't heard in years! I understand the no-sleep thing. Wyatt was up every hour last night until 4am....I'm too old for this! Hope you feel better soon!

julie said...

I am so sorry! I think I have had every illness in the book this season. And I DID get a flu shot. Makes me not want to get it again because I have been sick for over a month. I hope you feel better soon. It is a lot harder being sick with kids. You are super mom!