Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Swine flu
My kids are sick this week. Am I the only one that wonders if it's the swine flu when my kids start getting sick these days?
Last week a girl in Nikki's class went home with the flu. I just read a report today that said that the seasonal flu hasn't hit our area yet, so anyone with the flu here is being treated as if it's the swine flu. When I was little we called it the flu when we had a stomach bug, and I know that's wrong so it's hard for me to grasp what the flu really is. Nikki brought home a cough and sore throat from school, but other than her cough she's alright. Hannah and Ryan have a fever, runny nose, cough, sore throat, headache, fatigue. How do you know if it's just a cold or if it's something more? I can't tell you how miserable Ryan was this afternoon. It broke my heart. I was almost in tears right along with him because I could do nothing to help him feel better. Well, at least if it is the swine flu I think it's supposed to pass pretty quickly. I hope so.

Monday, September 28, 2009
Oh, the sweetest thing!
Day 1. I'm really going to do it. The sweetest thing I'm going to eat this week will be a piece of fruit. Nate and my visiting teaching companion said they wanted to do it with me. That makes me much more excited and much more likely to actually accomplish it. Especially since Nikki is in charge of the family night treat tonight, and that means we'll either have milkshakes or smores (made in the microwave). But I think I'll have an apple with some peanut butter.
Of course, I could never make this a long term commitment. I just want a little jumpstart as I get back into better eating and exercise habits. It was so hard waking up this morning to go running when it was so dark and cold outside. Kind of makes me want to be fat for the winter and then start exercising again next spring. But, ugh, how miserable would that be! Just going two weeks without jogging made me feel blah enough. I remember hearing someone once say that 90% of the fuel in a rocket is spent during takeoff. Only 10% is required to maintain flight. That's how exercising and healthy eating feel. It's so hard for the first little bit, but once I get into it, it doesn't take as much effort to continue. So this week I'm putting forth my extra effort, and then I know I'll feel the benefits and it won't be so hard to continue with good habits the next week. Besides, then I can eat my fat-free ice cream again. :)
Of course, I could never make this a long term commitment. I just want a little jumpstart as I get back into better eating and exercise habits. It was so hard waking up this morning to go running when it was so dark and cold outside. Kind of makes me want to be fat for the winter and then start exercising again next spring. But, ugh, how miserable would that be! Just going two weeks without jogging made me feel blah enough. I remember hearing someone once say that 90% of the fuel in a rocket is spent during takeoff. Only 10% is required to maintain flight. That's how exercising and healthy eating feel. It's so hard for the first little bit, but once I get into it, it doesn't take as much effort to continue. So this week I'm putting forth my extra effort, and then I know I'll feel the benefits and it won't be so hard to continue with good habits the next week. Besides, then I can eat my fat-free ice cream again. :)
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Sugar, or No Sugar
Today I ate my favorite sandwich -- peanut butter and strawberry jam on soft white bread. Oh, it was worth every useless calorie! That's a comfort food from my childhood that I've never gotten over. This past couple of weeks since my back has been hurting I haven't been jogging, and I have enjoyed way too many delicious desserts that were delivered when the Relief Society sisters were bringing us meals for a few days. I thought about that as I sat on the kitchen floor this afternoon with Ryan chasing down my yummy sandwich with spoonfuls of Raspberry sherbet right out of the bucket. That's when I realized I need to jumpstart some healthy eating habits again. I'm not sick anymore, so I don't have any good excuses. Have you ever tried to eliminate sugar from your diet? I've never had the desire before today. As much as we tease Kellee about loving sugar, I'm really just as bad. I have no problems eating low-fat foods, but could I go a week without sugar? Hmm. I'm going to think about it over the next few days, and see if I can try it next week. Anybody ever successfully done that before?
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
On the Mend
I just felt like I should post something so that no one thinks I'm on my deathbed. I'm doing a lot better. I think it was just a pulled muscle because when I stopped picking up Ryan I started getting better. Mike & Sherrie and Jay & Alli helped us out last week and over the weekend, and several ladies from church have done so much for me this week. Today is the first day that I will have Ryan by myself all day. I have missed him so much while other people were babysitting for me! It is very humbling to see how other people have just jumped in and done so much for us. I'm so grateful to be surrounded by wonderful people who have so willingly served us.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Kellee, you were right in your last comment -- it has been a while since I've posted, hasn't it? We have been busy with the details of getting our house sellable, school, gymnastics, piano, church, and taking care of a baby. But this past week I've been in a lot of pain. I've been to a couple of doctors, but I'm not convinced that they figured out what the problem is. I have pain in my right side and back, where your kidney is, and it keeps getting worse. I had a CT scan of my abdomen done, and I do have some small kidney stones in my right kidney. But the urologist didn't think that would be causing the pain because they are usually only painful when they start leaving the kidney. So now my regular doctor thinks it is probably and torn or strained muscle. I don't know. It's frustrating that it's just guessing, and they haven't done a test that says, yep you have this condition that is causing the pain and it will last for x amount of time. Not to mention how busy Nate has been this week. He has tried to take care of me, but there is just too much stuff going on. Anyway, maybe today will be better. I do have some cute pictures on my camera that I need to post, but I don't feel like doing it right now.
Friday, September 04, 2009
Ten Years Ago ...
- We made ONE really wonderful decision to be sealed together for time and eternity in the Mt. Timpanogas temple.
- We had TWO cars that you kept so clean with no crumbs or melted crayons in the back seat.
- We couldn't have imagined how beautiful our THREE children would be.
- We didn't know that the FOUR most caring words are, "We can't afford it."
- We didn't know that we would single-handedly support the DMV in FIVE states with all of our address changes on our licenses.
- We didn't need to sweep the kitchen floor SIX times a day.
- We didn't know that sleeping in until 7 am was sleeping in.
- I didn't know that you would be willing to do the dishes EIGHT nights a week because I didn't want to do them.
- We didn't know that playing made-up games like sock wars with the girls could feel like working a NINE-hour shift on the weekends. Why don't they ever get tired of that?
- I had no clue how much you would teach me and that my love for you would grow at least TENfold in the next TEN years.
I love you, Nate! Happy 10th anniversary!
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Tooth Fairy

Hannah lost a tooth a few days ago, and when the tooth fairy kept not showing up she decided that it was because their room wasn't clean. Maybe we'll pull another tooth next week when it's time to clean the room again. Both girls asked yesterday after school if they could go clean their room. Umm, I guess so. I actually think the tooth fairy didn't come because Hannah left this note with lots of questions that deserved some really good answers, and how can the tooth fairy really be on her toes enough to give really good answers in the middle of the night. This morning Hannah was excited about the money, but I don't think she was too impressed with the tooth fairy's reply. Maybe she recognized the handwriting? I can only hope.
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