Friday, September 04, 2009

Ten Years Ago ...

  • We made ONE really wonderful decision to be sealed together for time and eternity in the Mt. Timpanogas temple.
  • We had TWO cars that you kept so clean with no crumbs or melted crayons in the back seat.
  • We couldn't have imagined how beautiful our THREE children would be.
  • We didn't know that the FOUR most caring words are, "We can't afford it."
  • We didn't know that we would single-handedly support the DMV in FIVE states with all of our address changes on our licenses.
  • We didn't need to sweep the kitchen floor SIX times a day.
  • We didn't know that sleeping in until 7 am was sleeping in.
  • I didn't know that you would be willing to do the dishes EIGHT nights a week because I didn't want to do them.
  • We didn't know that playing made-up games like sock wars with the girls could feel like working a NINE-hour shift on the weekends. Why don't they ever get tired of that?
  • I had no clue how much you would teach me and that my love for you would grow at least TENfold in the next TEN years.

I love you, Nate! Happy 10th anniversary!


Kellee said...

How sweet! You are so creative, Susan. Happy Anniversary guys!!!!

Mike and Sherrie said...

Congrats on the big 10! It's amazing how much we are all learning along this journey. You guys are wonderful. Glad you're so close by. -Sherrie

Kristen said...

This might just be the best post ever. :) So cute! Happy 10th!

Kim said...

That was impressively creative! Happy 10th! Wow, time flies! And that picture is magazine're a BABE!

Brigette Little said...

I love it! Happy Anniversary!

julie said...

10 years. Wow. That was a sweet anniversary tribute. congrats

JW and Alli said...

Can you believe it? I can't. Marriage is a wonderful journey! Cute, sweet, creative, fun post!

Kellee said...

Has it still been 10 years??? What's going on lately? Everybody healthy...just too busy to post that you're too busy?