It was supposed to snow the night before last, so the county school board delayed school yesterday by two hours. Turned out there was no snow and temperatures actually began falling late in the morning, making ice more of a hazard after the regular school day should have begun. Living in NC sometimes makes me laugh. I do, however, feel like complaining about this cold is justified for me even if there are other parts of the world that are colder than where I am. It's still colder here than it usually is. My neighbor emailed this news story to me:
Think Antarctica Is Cold? Try America
By Jeremy Kaplan -
Inhospitable, barren, and covered in snow and ice year round, the North and South Pole epitomize frigid conditions. Yet it's currently colder across the United States than at both. poles. The North Pole is normally significantly warmer than the South, but it's a chilly -17 up there right now, a temperature that must sound positively Caribbean to anyone living in, say, Bismark, North Dakota (-33 Fahrenheit at present). ................
That is funny. You know if you would just give up this whole being healthy and running business and just stay inside, the cold really isn't all that bad! :)
I'm finding that my extra layer of fat stores right now are helping to keep me warm. I always loved how they delayed/canceled school for ice, snow & fog in NC. When I went to Ricks, it was quite a rude awakening for this southern girl! Good luck keeping warm!
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