Tuesday, April 06, 2010

It's all about perspective

I was about to start feeling sorry for myself that Nate is out of town for the next three days, but then I remembered that Josh is getting deployed and Kim will have her husband out of town MUCH longer. So, I'm not going to complain. I think I'll be grateful. Maybe I could make a 3-ring paper chain?


Kellee said...

We're fans of the paper chains around here! Wish I were closer to come hang out while Nate's gone.

Kristen said...

I hate that too! I'm usually fine during the day, but when its time for dinner and time for him to come in, I really miss him. I think the paper chain is a good idea. Let me know if you want to get together. :)

julie said...

Phil leaves tomorrow and won't be back until Sunday night. But I'm with you, I am just grateful he comes home after 3.5 days. Kim is my hero! (and Josh for serving our country!)

Kim said...

I love that Julie calls me a hero & she's the one that has to hear me whine about it all the time! I wish you lived closer so we could play while Nate's gone....and while Josh is gone, too. Conference was amazing, wasn't it?? I realized I've really got to work on my attitude. (getting more sleep might help, too!)

My advice: Eat lots of ice cream while he's gone. I'll probably be 400lbs by the time Josh gets back! :) But doesn't ice cream make pretty much anything better?