Monday, April 19, 2010

Nikki's writing

Nikki brought home some of the cutest stories today, and I just had to put a couple of them up here. I don't know why this first one got rotated, but I'll transcribe her stories below the pictures.
If a Leprechaun granted me 3 wishes, I would first wish for a blue Mermaid. Then I would wish for a 3 dollar bill. Finally, I would wish for rollerskates!!! I love those things.

If I had a umbrella it would be big enough to fit my whole family! It would have the rainbow colors. It would be humongous. On rainy days I would bring it. I would be reading to it. playing with it. Sing with it. And it would talk to me. It's birthday is May 11! Like me! I would love an umbrella. But mom wouldn't let me. (The last line made me laugh!)


Kristen said...

That is so cute and creative. Don't you just love their writing?

JW and Alli said...

Why wouldn't mom let her? :) Cute stuff.

Kellee said...

That is really cute. The kind of stuff I want to hold on to, but don't know where to put it.

Kim said...

So cute! So are you going to get her an umbrella now?

Susan said...

Well, she is my child who always wants to eat out, always wants a new pair of shoes, always wants a treat when we pull up to the gas station, etc. So, I guess she does hear "No" quite a bit. I would go for the talking umbrella as long as it had an OFF button. :)

And Kellee, I agree. The kids have so many papers it's ridiculous. That's what makes computers so nice. I can scan them in, or take a picture, and throw away the mountain of paper while holding on to the memory.

Chris and Molly said...

I love the blue mermaid wish ;)