- I've never known what my style should be. Should I go for trendy, classic elegance, earthy, etc.? I just didn't know what was me.
- I've never been able to shop by myself. I always wanted someone else to come with me and tell me what looked good, what colors I should pick, and since I don't live with Julie anymore I just couldn't do it on my own. I would always come home from hours of shopping with maybe one shirt that I would end up hating after wearing it once or twice.
- When I would try something on and it didn't fit, I would think that if only I could lose a little weight, or if only I was taller then I would be able to find something cute to wear. The problem was always my body.
- My hair? I can't even begin to describe the drama I have gone through with my naturally crazy hair. I remember coming home from getting my hair cut most of my life and crying in the bathroom as I looked in the mirror. I would always tell the stylist that it was fine because what can you do at the point when they hand you the mirror at the end if you really don't like it? One time I actually gave the mirror back to the lady three times, and finally her coworker beside her stepped over and finished it. I didn't tip her at all, but I still felt bad because it wasn't all her fault when she had just my hair to work with. A couple of years ago I came to the conclusion that I was just going to have to straighten it for the rest of my life, but it was still hard to find the right style for straight hair on me.
- Makeup? I would go with mostly just black eyeliner, powder, and lip gloss or chapstick. How could I begin to decide what color to use for eye shadow, blush, or lipstick?
- I had no jewelry besides a couple of small studs and a few thin silver chains up until this past year when I decided I should do jewelry. I had a home party and got a few different things, but it was so hard to know what to pick. Then I had to try to match what I got with the outfits I have -- ugh!
Hair -- well, DYT also addressed how to do curly hair. I thought I would give it a try, and it was pretty amazing. I got called Shirley Temple again for the first time in a long time. People at church thought I had permed my hair because they had never seen my curls before. :) I actually like my curls now. I don't think I've ever been able to say that before. I still need to get some highlights to cover up the grey that is starting to creep in and just give my face a brighter look.
So, that's the fashion and appearance difference it made for me, and it does make a big difference to be comfortable with your appearance. But it's interesting because it addresses a lot of emotional things as well. The program is kind of like a glorified personality test, but it's better than any personality test I've seen before. She calls it energy profiling, and it takes into account all aspects of ourselves -- our facial features, skin type, thought processes, behavior, mannerisms, etc.
It turns out that I'm a Type 1, which is a bright, animated person. My movement is upward and light. At first, I passed right by the Type 1's looking for what else I could be because they are described as the life of the party. I've always been the tag-along, not the life of the party. But everything else about a Type 1 fits. I think it's been kind of liberating to look at some of my natural tendencies, take the judgment off of them, and just accept that this is who I am. We all have strengths and weaknesses to work with. There is nothing wrong with me just because I can't concentrate on all of Nate's detailed explanations where he repeats himself a couple of times to make sure he thoroughly gets his point across. My mind travels to three or four different places and then comes back to him just as he is finishing up his thought. It's also nice for him to understand that I'm not bored or ignoring him -- we just think differently.
Type 1's like to have fun and be spontaneous and random. Chuck Little is the perfect Type 1 in my book. He is so fun to talk to. He brightens up any room he is in, and life is just more fun around Chuck. I've thought about Mom, wondering what type she would have been, and I think she was probably a Type 1 that was forced to live life as a Type 3. I think that often made her feel tired. I think I have tried to live like a Type 4 because I didn't want to come across as silly. I didn't really grow up in a Type 1 family, and I was very concerned about what my older siblings thought about me. So, I need to learn to have more fun.
Anyway, Kellee did a better job on her blog writing about the personality aspects of this. My post is already too long, and I can't keep my mind on it anymore!