Thursday, June 16, 2011

You're gonna need an ocean...

... of calamine lotion!

No joke! Whoever wrote those lyrics probably went through a couple of weeks like Nate and I have. So I've been reading on the internet about poison ivy, and I have realized that there is a reason I haven't been very good at identifying poison ivy. There are so many different varieties of it. This picture has leaves that are almost smooth, others have jagged edges. Some are a reddish color. It can be a vine, a bush, or a plant. Some have three leaves, but then there is the Virginia Creeper that has 5 leaves. So there goes your "leaves of three, let it be" right out the window. As I have looked at different pictures online, I think I have recognized just about every different kind right in our yard. I also learned that you really need to wash off the oil within 10 minutes of touching it to avoid getting a reaction. Think you're immune to it? Well, just get into it enough times and you'll most likely eventually break out in the rash. You might also get a worse reaction to it each time you run into this monster. Nate was smart and went to the doctor for some steroids. I didn't think mine was that bad -- until he went out of town. Then there were several days in a row where I considered calling JW for some help, but I never did. Finally today the swelling is going down in some areas, and I haven't needed to use the anti-itch cream Nate got very much. It's called Sarna, and it is awesome stuff! Anyway, I think I'm just going to sit in my house and let this stuff swallow my yard. I don't want anything to do with it anymore!


Kellee said...

Oh no! Can you do anything about it? Do you spray poison ivy? or do you have to dig in with gloves and pull it out? I'm so uneducated in that area!

Susan said...

Well, you can kill it with Round-up, but the dead plant still has the oil that irritates your skin. And since when has a little Round-up kept noxious weeds from growing back in NC? Poison ivy certainly afflicts and torments me!

JW and Alli said...

This was quite comical to read - but I'm sure it wasn't comical to deal with. I am sorry that you've had to deal with a bad case of it. And you are tiling in the middle of it all??? Is that picture actually from your yard? You know if you dressed up like your Dad did to do yard work, you might not have any contact with it!

Kellee said...

There you go! Problem solved. Good idea, Alli.

Anonymous said...

The homeopathic treatment for it taken everyday can keep you from getting it. It will also help the itch. It is called Rus Tox, and guess what it is, (very) diluted poison ivy! It works great. When Cedar got poison ivy so bad last year, he would take one little tablet when the itch would start bugging him, and then he was okay for at least an hour. It's worth a try.

Kristen said...

You sound like Cory. Poor guy gets some every year from working in our yard. I love our wooded, shaded backyard, but it does mean there are a million not so nice things that grow back there too. :)