Sunday, June 05, 2011

Nikki's Baptism

It's hard to believe she's grown up so much. Nikki's baptism was yesterday, and it was really beautiful. I wonder if her face hurt today from all the smiling she did yesterday. She was so excited and loved every minute of it. Thanks to everyone who has supported her and has shown so much love to her.


Kim said...

Congratulations, Nikki! What a happy, happy day!

Kellee said...

She looks so grown up. They always seem so big when they get Baptized!

Does Nate never age? He looks big and grown up too :) ha ha

julie said...

How fun and what a great family picture! Congrats Nikki!

Kristen said...

The pictures are AWESOME! I think you guys just about have the sweetest family ever. :) Congrats to Nikkii!!

Brigette Little said...

What a wonderful day! It's amazing how much more your girls look alike as they get older. They are beautiful!