Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Here is our gingerbread house in progress. I had to include this picture because someday Hannah is just going to die when she looks back at her pictures and sees her hair. But she loves it long and doesn't like for me to put it up. So this is my way of getting even with her stubbornness -- get it on film.

And here is the finished product. We left the gingerbread house for Santa to taste, and he left a note saying that he loved it and even shared some with Rudolf, but he was really thirsty and hopes the girls won't forget the milk again next year.

Did you notice the wonderful man in the background doing the dishes? I am a lucky woman.


Kristen said...

the house looks really yummy. we made some with my parents and brothers that were a lot of fun. we struggle with the same hair issue. elise did actually let me cut hers, but she either wants it down or fixed by herself. but she is always so proud of it, no matter what it looks like, so i keep letting her do it. we have a compromise, though. if she does her hair, i get to pick out her clothes. i just can't bring myself to let her do both. there's no telling what her teacher would think!

Susan said...

Hannah is actually pretty good about picking out her own clothes. She is really concerned that she matches, so she'll check with me if she isn't sure her outfit looks good together. Thanks goodness she will accept my opinion on at least one issue. Now if we could only convince her that she doesn't need Rapunzel or Ariel hair we might be getting somewhere.