Mom eventually gave up on me ever learning to keep my room clean and would just close my door any time she passed my room. One time after my sister left for college, Mom was going around the house with the video camera making a tape for my sister. I made a mad dash to stuff everything under my bed or in the closet. I even threw a pile out in the hall so my room would be clean before Mom got to my end of the house. Mom taped my clean room, and I was proudly telling Kellee how well I was taking care of her old room when Mom turned the camera and got a great shot of my pile in the hallway.
I was reminded of that tonight when I was trying to clean up a pile of stuff that has been sitting on top of my night stand for a while. It wasn't until after about the third item was stuffed under my bed that I realized what I was doing. I couldn't help but laugh at myself. I guess some habits die hard.
oh do i feel your pain! when sarah & i roomed together at governor's school, her side of the room was neat and clean and organized. my side looked like a tornado struck. once, she even straightened up my stuff and made my bed before my mom came, so it would look more presentable. =) i feel like there are some people who are naturally good at keeping a clean, organized house. i work really hard at it, but i feel like i am hanging on by a thread! oh well.... the only time i am really great at it is the last month of my pregnancies. i get crazy and obsessive and annoying. i do silly things like clean the baseboards every day. i'm always relieved to give birth so i can take a break from cleaning! =)
I can see Sarah doing something like that. She was always far more put together and organized than I ever was.
Nate would probably send me to doctor to find out what was wrong with me if I ever started nesting!
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