Monday, January 08, 2007

Future American Idol?

Today Hannah was playing around on the piano, and after a while I noticed that she was picking out a note and trying to sing that pitch. I was so impressed. She was really getting it. She eventually almost got a whole scale. I praised her so much about it that she kept singing this one note for about 10 minutes. And then she found two F's a couple of octaves apart and noticed that they were the same note. Once again, I was very excited for her. I really hope she does have some natural musical talent. Playing the flute and piano have been such a rewarding part of my life, and it would be really fun to see my daughter enjoy one of the same interests that I have. One funny thing that she does is that whenever I turn on the radio in the car, she will always choose the classical station over anything else. Maybe she will be a band geek. I would love it.


Kristen said...

susan, that is really impressive. it's impressive that she could pick that out and would do it on her own, not part of some structured time you carved out. i suspect she will definitely have an interest in music of some sorts.

it really is neat to see them take up something you enjoy, isn't it?

the radio thing made me think of something elise does. sometimes a song will come on and she will start singing and she'll go, "mama, do you hear me? i sound just like the radio! you can't even tell a difference!" its so cute. another friend of mine has a daughter a year or two older than elise and hannah. she has decided to be a rock star when she grows up. she told her mom that they no longer need a radio in their car--she can just sing instead. isn't that too cute?!

Susan said...

Ha ha! Elise is such a character! Most of the time there is no way to guess what will come out of these girls next. They are so much fun.