Wednesday, January 17, 2007


I don't know what is wrong with me. Last week Nikki's preschool tuition was due on Tuesday, but she was out with strep throat. So on Monday morning, I put the check in a stamped and addressed envelope. It never made it to the mailbox, so on Tuesday morning I put it on my sister-in-laws doorstep for her to take for me when she took her little girl to preschool. However, she wasn't home at the time and I forgot to call her and tell her I had left it there. So, it was late on Wednesday and I wrote a $5.00 check for the late fee and stuck it in Nikki's backpack in a sealed envelope and put Nikki's name on the envelope. Well, she came home with it unopened and I realized the teacher didn't know it was for her because Nikki's name was on it with no other explanations of what it was. So today, I wrote a note about what an idiot I am to go with the check and put it in an envelope in Nikki's backpack with the teacher's name on it and sent it to school -- only to notice later that I had left the check out of the envelope! AGHH!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

hahaha. it was not meant to be, was it?

i talked an acqaintence yesterday who had a flat tire backing over a curb. she had her BOSS come out to change it, but in the middle of the process the car (in which she had forgotten to put the emergency break on), began rolling backwards and broke the jack. finally she called AAA and in another hour and a half was on her way.

you know, sometimes its just not our day. =)