Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A Day of Doctors

Yesterday was a pretty busy day. The girls and I took two of the kittens to the vet to have their eyes checked out. They have conjunctivitis, and I am sure the medicine the vet gave me is the same stuff people use too. So, for two weeks we have to put some ointment in their eyes, but they'll be fine. They each weighed one pound. He also said that they are big enough to start introducing hard food to them, but they really weren't interested in it yesterday when we tried. Maybe soon. They are so cute running all over the garage.

Then, Nate and I took a trip to Greenville to have an ultrasound for our baby. At my last ultrasound with my doctor they heard an irregular heartbeat, so they sent me to ECU to have a little better testing done. On the way there I was telling Nate that I really haven't felt anxious about it at all, and it turned out that everything appeared to be normal on the ultrasound. He looks to be a very healthy and active boy. It was kind of fun because a student started the ultrasound and tried to take a few measurements and pictures, and then the real sonographer came in and took a look, too. So it took a really long time, and we got to see the baby from all kinds of views. It makes it seem so much more real that we're really going to have a baby when you can see fingers and feet and his heart beating.

And this has nothing to do with doctors, but the guys started the work on our house yesterday!!! I'm so excited. They already took out the closets and built the wall and will put a second coat of mud on today, and they will start painting our piano room. The girls loved watching them tear out the wall yesterday. They thought that was pretty neat. It's going to look so much better when they're done.


Kellee said...

Glad your baby is doing good! It's amazing what they can pick up on ultrasounds. On Luke's, they said he had a cyst on his brain. We didn't worry because it's very common...they just see them more now with new technology. (The cyst dissolves after time, and it did)

Kristen said...

I go in a couple of weeks for mine. I'm dying to know what this little rascal is. Hopefully he/she will cooperate. :) Glad everything is going well for you and the kittens. :) Oh, and YAY for someone else doing some of the work!!