Monday, April 28, 2008

Zoo Pictures

We took a really fun trip to the zoo last week with my sister-in-law Sherrie and Lydia, Eliza, and baby William. All of the kids were such troopers. I know William had to have been hot in his stroller, but he did so well. And the girls all had to walk the whole time, and they did such a great job. Our first sight was the flamingos, and I think the only thing Hannah and Nikki remember about them is that they were stinky.
Nikki & Lydia

The misting tree was the perfect spot for a rest and a chance to cool off.
A wet Lydia & Hannah
And a wet Nikki & Eliza. What you don't see is that just after this picture was snapped, Eliza just about pulled Nikki down on top of her she was hugging her so hard. They are so funny.
These were the biggest ice cream cones ever, but the girls went to town on them. It was amazing how these little girls polished them off.

It was a great trip. Thanks for coming with us, Sherrie!


Amy Niebuhr said...

AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy you found my blog. I can't believe how big the girls are. Holy Cow. They are so cute. I looked at the pictures of your house and it looks great. Please send me an email I'm so excited.
Love ya,

Kellee said...

How fun! I haven't been to a zoo since I was pregnant with Savannah.

Kristen said...

That looks so fun!!! We just went too and loved it!!! How did you survive all the walking? I was so tired by the end of the day, but I made it somehow. You guys must have gone on a much warmer day. It was great, but the bummer was that we couldn't get any ice cream. Darn it!!!