Friday, June 20, 2008


Japanese beetles, or June bugs, whatever you want to call them, absolutely love the trees in our back yard. Nate sprayed for them last Saturday, and they have been falling out of the trees onto our deck ever since. There are TONS of them. The girls and I were out swimming yesterday, and the Japanese beetles kept flying into the pool. Nikki called them "Japaneetle Beetles." It was so cute I didn't even want to correct her.

And this was said at lunch today, and it proves that Nikki does have some of Nate's blood :) --
Nikki: Hannah, what are you having for lunch today?
Hannah: A peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Nikki: Oh, peanut butter and honey.
Mom: Jelly.
Nikki: A jelly and honey sandwich?


Kristen said...

These are so funny! I love it!

p.s. does the flubber have to be refrigerated or just put in a bag? :)

Brigette Little said...

She is such a doll! Ashley likes to look at your blog with me, and we just love the pictures of your girls. Hug that little sweetie for us!

Susan said...

Kristen, I don't think the flubber needs to be refrigerated. I was playing with it yesterday, and I could smell it for the first time, but you know what a pregnant nose is like. It has stayed good for a week, though.

Thanks Brigette and Ashley. She's a snuggly one, so I'll definitely get a couple hugs from her!

Kellee said...

I love the things kids say. I wish I had kept track of them more over the years.