Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas morning

We had a nice, relaxed, simple Christmas. It was a wonderful day.

Here is our early bird coming excitedly down the stairs followed by our not-so-early bird grumpily making her way down. Even on Christmas.

It's great that they are still excited with little things and don't realize that other kids get way more than they do. Yes, that's a bunch of diapers coming out of Ryan's stockimg -- a very practical present, right? Hannah got some new scriptures with a carrying case. This morning she showed me a bookmark she had made and told me she put it where she had been reading in the scriptures. She is such a wonderful child.


Kellee said...

I don't know if you remember Jake when he was too grumpy on Christmas morning when he was about 2? Nikki reminded me of that:) It looks like she got into it soon enough.

Susan said...

I do remember that. Very funny! I think Nikki came out of it a little quicker than Jake did that year. Thank goodness. I need at least one day of the year with a happy Nikki before breakfast.