Monday, December 01, 2008

Customer NO Service

67:59 minutes
What a ridiculous amount of time to be on the phone with customer service. After being placed on hold for the FOURTH time I finally hung up because I was not feeling like a nice person, and the next person to speak to me would not deserve the treatment I would be giving them. I can't tell you how frustrated I have become with AT&T. I just might have to write a letter next time because I can't stand the thought of ever calling them again.


Kellee said...

Whew! Glad I wasn't on the line next :) Hope it helped to vent on your blog about it.

JW and Alli said...

That's how I've always felt about phone companies. I've had too many bad experiences.

Kristen said...

Ugh. I cannot even imagine how you kept your patience for that long.

Kim said...

I'm impressed you waited that long! Confession: My shining moments are when you wait that long & then can't even understand the person on the other end!