Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy Birthday, Hannah!

Wow, she's 8! She is such a sweetheart. I made such a disaster out of this cake with the icing. I made it way too runny, and it did not look pretty with chocolate crumbs peeking through as the pink ran down. She was almost in tears watching me frost the cake, but she was too sweet to complain about it. I could just see the total disappointment on her face. I'm going to have to make it up to her somehow. Emma was my hero because she kept saying, "It's okay because it tastes really good!" Sorry, Hannah!
What a fun group of kids! They had a sleepover on Friday night with JW's kids, so we all had cake together Saturday afternoon. We love our cousins, and several of them mentioned that we were missing Lydia & Eliza. Hope you guys are having fun in Utah, Mike & Sherrie!

Yesterday at church her Primary leaders made her feel so special. When I saw her in the hall after Primary she was just beaming. She had been sung to, spotlighted, and her arms were full of treats and even a present from her Sunday school teacher. I was so grateful for the wonderful people around us who would make that effort to give her a special day. Today she's back in school, and I'm missing my girls. It's nice and quiet now, but I'm looking forward to hearing some giggles when they get home today. She's getting her ears pierced tonight. That's going to be our family night activity. She asked if it hurt, and I didn't want to scare her but I wanted to be honest. I don't know if I prepared her enough for it, though. We'll see how it goes.


Kellee said...

Happy Birthday Hannah. Hope you got my e-mail. I like your cake. I wouldn't have noticed the flaws if you mom hadn't written about it. It's better than any cake my kids get. I never try to make a fancy cake.

Kristen said...

Oh, Happy Birthday Hannah! It sounds like so much fun. My mom messed up my Sweet Sixteen birthday cake. It was pretty ugly. :)

Good luck on the ear piercing. Merry Grace thought it hurt much worse than Elise did. You might see if they can do both ears at once. That way if it hurts, it only hurts once. :) Good luck. I can't wait to see pictures tomorrow!

Kim said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HANNAH!!! She is such a sweet girl! From the picture, the cake looks great. I think I'll use your '8' idea for Jayden's next month. Can you believe our babies are that old?!

julie said...

I can't believe you have an 8 year old. Happy Birthday Hannah!