Monday, June 01, 2009

At 9 months ...

He still doesn't have any teeth, but I think one will be breaking through any day. We'll see.

He smiles every time he sees me, and I just can't get enough of it. He actually smiles at everyone in our family. He just loves getting attention and he gets plenty of it.

He loves to play the piano. It's making it hard for Hannah to practice, but I don't think she minds too much. Usually she ends up putting him on her lap and letting him practice instead.

He's not really a picky eater, but he does like to get a little taste on the tip of his tongue before he'll take a good bite. I think it's funny.

He chases the vacuum.

He continues on with his foot/knee crawl. He can pull up on the furniture, the bookshelf, my legs when I'm cooking, anything. And he is getting a little braver as he sometimes lets go to try to reach something up higher. I think he'll be standing on his own sometime in the next month.

I love how he grabs my hand and pulls it close to his chest when he's tired.

He's starting to get some curls in the back of his hair. Poor kid!

He talks more than anyone else in our family.

His height is at 80%, his weight is at 50%, and his head circumference is 90% -- he's got his daddy's physique and his mommy's brains! Haha :)

He NEVER wants his diaper changed. He will not give up hope that he can get away before the new diaper is strapped on and he's snapped up. [Sigh]

He is a joy to me everyday. I absolutely feel privileged to be his mother. We love you, Ryan!


Kristen said...

Paige does that diaper thing too. It's like a wrestling match to keep her down. :) Ryan sure is cute! He's lucky to be in such a great family!!

Kellee said...

How sweet!

JW and Alli said...

Very sweet. His picture reminds me exactly of Nate's puzzled look!

Kim said...

Wyatt's the same way with diapers! I can't wait to meet him in a few weeks. I can't believe he's already 9 months!?