Friday, June 19, 2009

I can do a sit up!

I haven't been able to do a real sit up since my back surgery almost 12 years ago, but I can do them now. It's still hard. When I'm coming back down to the floor my back feels like it weighs a ton, but that's okay. I'll keep getting better. Today I finished my 10-week exercise assignment for my physical education class through BYU. Yeah, I've lost some weight, but the part that is really great to me is how GOOD I feel. I have energy. I can run up the stairs with Ryan, well maybe not run, but he's really heavy and he doesn't wear me out too quickly. The other day I felt like dancing in the dressing room at Old Navy. Can't remember the last time that happened. Anyway, it has really been a good 10 weeks. I'm really proud of myself for what I accomplished, and I'm excited for what I'll accomplish in the next 10 weeks.


Kellee said...

Dancing in the dressing room? You must've really liked your reflection. haha

That's awesome you feel great. I could use your energy.

Brigette Little said...

Good for you! Remeber when you went to aerobics class with Julie and I in CA and the instructor was all over you about curving your back while doing the situps? Too funny! Congrats!

Kim said...

Congrats! That's really good. I haven't had the dance-in-the-dressing-room feeling in a long time, if ever. I need your program! Today is the 6 week mark since my surgery...I am allowed do sit ups again....did I? nope.

Kristen said...

I can do a sit up too, I just don't. Lame, huh? You're so awesome!!!

Susan said...

I wanted to dance because every pair of pants I took into the dressing room to try on was too big! Maybe they just changed the sizes since I went shopping last. And I completely remember that aerobics class with you and Julie, Brigette. That was such a fun visit!