Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sugar, or No Sugar

Today I ate my favorite sandwich -- peanut butter and strawberry jam on soft white bread. Oh, it was worth every useless calorie! That's a comfort food from my childhood that I've never gotten over. This past couple of weeks since my back has been hurting I haven't been jogging, and I have enjoyed way too many delicious desserts that were delivered when the Relief Society sisters were bringing us meals for a few days. I thought about that as I sat on the kitchen floor this afternoon with Ryan chasing down my yummy sandwich with spoonfuls of Raspberry sherbet right out of the bucket. That's when I realized I need to jumpstart some healthy eating habits again. I'm not sick anymore, so I don't have any good excuses. Have you ever tried to eliminate sugar from your diet? I've never had the desire before today. As much as we tease Kellee about loving sugar, I'm really just as bad. I have no problems eating low-fat foods, but could I go a week without sugar? Hmm. I'm going to think about it over the next few days, and see if I can try it next week. Anybody ever successfully done that before?


Kristen said...

I tried it once, but it was horrible. I love sugar so much. My biggest thing is chocolate, but really, almost any sweet thing will do. Its kind of an obsession. It was hard to just cut it out entirely. For me, I would like to be at a point where I could just eat sweets more sparingly. I don't really have the desire to cut them out completely because I love them so much. But I would like my life to be less "ruled" by sweets. If you tackle it, let me know. I'd love to know how you did it and how you felt and how it worked.

Kim said...

I did a 'no sweets' during the week, then Saturday & Sunday were free game...then it stretched to include Friday nights...then the whole thing fizzled. I go for the moderation thing (not very successfully), but it keeps me from feeling so desperately deprived & going nuts when I do give in. I know people that do no sugar & they've said if you can get through the first month, then it's not so bad & fruit tastes like candy to you. Good luck, but enjoy those great comfort foods every once in a while!

Kellee said...

I actually have 2 friends who don't use white or brown sugar at all! Instead, they use honey (which really is sugar, right?) and agave. They haven't had issues with it at all. I DEFINITELY have no desire to quit on sugar :) I have eased up on it though. I buy less at the check out, we don't drink Kool-aid anymore, and I don't have time to make as many desserts like I used to.

Wish I was there eating sherbet with you on your kitchen floor today :)