Friday, December 04, 2009

The Tree

Here is our tree. It's just really simple and I love it.

Well, I discovered there is no need to make more popcorn chains. Not when this is what will happen to them. Why is it that he was cyring and I was laughing when I caught him eating it?


JW and Alli said...

Doesn't a Christmas tree just warm the home? Your star turned out great and so did your other ornaments. I love the pic of Ryan crying, so funny! Did he think it was good? :)

Kellee said...

Ditto to everything Alli just wrote! It looks great!

Susan said...

Yeah, unfortunately he loves popcorn!

Kim said...

That tree is really impressive! (especially the star!) I'm afraid I'd be the one caught eating the popcorn string!

Brigette Little said...

One of my favorite memories was when we made gingerbread men to decorate our tree. Cam was 2, and kept eating them. I would find little gingerbread heads hanging on the tree. Little boys are awesome!