Monday, April 28, 2008

My Sympathetic Family

I think my pregnancy symptoms are rubbing off on the rest of the family. Nate has been sleeping with an extra pillow, and this morning just as I was getting ready for my second breakfast (I'm usually looking for a snack about an hour and a half after my first breakfast) Nikki came and asked for some eggs. She had eaten a bowl of cheerios with me earlier. She did a great job scrambling her egg. I hope Hannah's feet don't start swelling.


Kellee said...

How funny! I guess as long as they don't gain the same amount of weight you will by the end, they'll be alright :)

Kristen said...

Hahaha!!! That is so funny!!! I totally do the second breakfast thing, too. The biggest problem is that I do the second lunch and second dinner thing too. :)