Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Memories Tag

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume your playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.


Kellee said...

I have so many!!! A very vivid memory of you in your Wonderwoman Underoos rocking on your foot trying not to pee on yourself...of course, you did :) Taking you to the office every morning after you threw up your breakfast on the bus (remember once they didn't clean it up before a school break and it was still there when we came back to school?)! "Drawing" a line down the middle of our room so we didn't get on each other's side..didn't work. You copying me forever until I thought I would go insane. The video of my purple room that you took while I was at Rick's and all your mess in the hallway :) Your short curly haircut and big glasses...you're very pretty now!!! The lessons you've taught me over the years (I'll send you an e-mail about those sometime). Billy tying your hair in blankets at the beach. Making banana pudding WITHOUT the bananas!!! I'll stop there. Love ya!

Susan said...

I remember the kids on the bus trying to guess what I ate for breakfast. That was so gross, and it's weird because now I eat breakfast before I do anything else in the morning or I'll bite somebody's head off. And Nate loves that video of me beside the purple room saying, "Mama, that's not fair" with the biggest southern accent ever. Since Billy has retired his hairdressing ways for a while, Hannah now loves to do my hair. Thanks for the fun memories!

JW and Alli said...

You shouldn't have posted this and then posted 2 other blog entries - you have to scroll down to see it!

My first memory of you is when you visited my home ward with JW and you came to the single adult Sunday school class, I don't know if I remember this before or after his mission. I remember thinking you two didn't look alike. My next memory of you is the double date of ours when Nate gave you his first compliment being fascinated with your curly hair "Do you even brush your hair?" and I was so impressed how you just laughed and laughed.

And last - I'm glad that I now have MANY memories of you here in Goldsboro and that there will be many more memories to make even as you move into the Raleigh area. :)

Brigette Little said...

I remember when you came to visit us in California and you came to aerobics class with Julie and I. We were doing situps or something like that and the instructor was getting on your case for not curving your back. Finally you shouted out, "I have a metal rod in my back!" She let up on you then, but I remember the three of us cracking up about the whole situation for the rest of class.