Friday, March 27, 2009


Well, life comes in seasons, doesn't it? I truly treasured up the early part of this week, and it's a good thing I did because I now have two sick little ones. Nikki & Ryan have barking coughs (the sicknesses they pick up at school are a serious incentive for homeschooling) and Ryan was wide awake for about 2 1/2 hours starting around 2 am last night -- just wide awake looking around for toys. Didn't I just say how nicely he has been sleeping? It's okay. My bucket was filled earlier so that I can Lysol down my house and be Nurse Mommy today.


Kellee said...

Awww! Hope they get better soon! I just lost my voice last night. Our cold have been lingering mildly and just doesn't want to check out yet.

Kristen said...

Poor kids and poor mommy too. That is so tough. I hate it when they're sick. I'm with you on the germs. I dread sending Ian into them next year. He has no concept of disgusting, so I can only imagine what he'll drag home. I hope yours feel better soon! Or at least sleep better. That alone makes a world of difference.

julie said...

Didn't you know that would happen? I am so sorry. I hope you are all feeling better soon. Thank you also for the Pres. Benson talk. I needed that today! Love and miss you and can't wait until June.