Tuesday, March 03, 2009

My road to food storage

So my thoughts on food storage have come quite a long way in the past couple of years. For the longest time I just felt like it was beyond me to attempt more than storing a couple of extra cans of green beans. An inventory seemed useless because I didn't think I would ever keep it up to date. Then I thought that we would at least get some non-food items like soap and shampoo and toilet paper stocked up since those wouldn't go bad. Then I thought we could get a year's supply of grains like rice and beans and store it away and be done with it and say we had done what we were supposed to do, but forget ordering wheat. I wouldn't know what to do with wheat if I ever needed it anyway, so why have it? Finally, I think I have come to a point where I am excited about having and using our food storage. I finally get the difference between a 3-month supply and a year's supply. I've been pretty hard-headed, but our wheat grinder came in the mail last week, and I ground my first cup of wheat into flour! I was going to make some bread yesterday, but I'm sick -- I was just happy to get my children dressed for the day. I'm excited to learn how to use our food storage items. I found a website that I liked called everyday food storage that made it seem like I could use my storage for more than brick-like bread and tasteless muffins. There is also a sister website called Food storage made easy that was pretty good, too, for ideas on how to get your storage. So, I will continue enjoying our fresh foods, but I am also going to be learning how to use long-term storage items in a tasty way. Then if the day ever comes when we don't have the money to go to the store, the store runs out of food, or one of any other hundreds of catastrophic scenarios ever occur, I will have the peace of mind to know that my family won't be going hungry.


Kellee said...

Yeah! I love food storage! I have some excellent books on food storage too. I'll have to show you one this summer...it's how to survive on NOTHING BUT food storage and it's awesome.

We were just blessed with 110 lbs. of wheat from a sweet older couple in our ward. I just found a little book on how to use wheat besides baking with it. I haven't tried them yet (it's using "wheat berries...cooked wheat kernals). If they're good recipies, I'll share them.

We're really trying to get our 3 month supply and then we'll build from there.

Kristen said...

Where did you get your wheat grinder from? Our food storage evolution sounds a lot like yours. We have a bunch of wheat, but sadly no grinder, which seems less effective. Although if it keeps as long as everyone says, we have a few years to get one. Still, its something we need to get. We still have a long way to go to build our supply to where it needs to be, but we're certainly farther along than ever before. Thanks for sharing the info!

JW and Alli said...

I agree. My road to food storage has been quite similar...start off small, not really wanting to commit, and has grown now to feeling a great urgency in obtaining not only water and flour but pastas, beans, meats, and even freeze-dried fruits and vegetables. If I might have to live on it, I want it to taste good, too! Feel free to share any recipes that you enjoy!

Susan said...

Kellee, those wheat berries have never looked good to me, so definitely let me know if you find any ways to use them that you like. That's awesome that you got that much wheat given to you! I think Nate & I need more friends. =)

Kristen, I'm not sure if our wheat grinder is the best one to get. I let Nate do the research and it is really hard for him to look past the price and notice the quality. =)He's gotten a lot better than he used to be, but I've never seen another wheat grinder so I don't know how this one compares to others. It's a hand grinder that you can also purchase another electrical attachment for. It really wasn't hard to use it when I tried it out. Here's the link for it: http://www.cooksquarters.com/info/products/family-living-grain-mill-w-hand-base.htm

Alli, be sure you share recipes you like with me, too! My next venture is going to be trying to replace the oil in a dessert with beans. I've had brownies made with black beans before and they were good. I just have to learn how to cook beans. I've never gotten them soft enough.

Kim said...

Please share recipes! We use whole wheat for pancakes & waffles. They are so yummy! We got the BlendTec grinder (by KTec) & LOVE IT! It's around $200, but grinds a lot of wheat in a short time.