Saturday, February 05, 2011

William and Ainsley

We watched by brother's two youngest kids this week, and it was a really great week. Ainsley is about 15 months and is just the happiest little girl. She would smile and play with me, but she didn't really want me to do much else with her. She wouldn't eat if I tried to feed her, but if Hannah fed her she just couldn't get enough. It was so nice having Hannah here all day! She was a huge help.

Then William is 3, and he and Ryan played really well together. He is such a calm, quiet kid. It made me realize that I'm not just spoiled from Nikki and Hannah when I think that Ryan is loud and crazy -- he really is! Hannah gave me a good laugh the first night as she was going to bed. She said, "Mom, I thought they would be just as loud as Lydia and Eliza (their older sisters), but they're pretty quiet." We love the life Lydia and Eliza bring when they come to visit, but there definitely was a difference this week! :)

Well, the boys mostly played well together. There was the one time I heard someone screaming, "Help me!!" When I rounded the corner Ryan was calmly leaning on top of the overturned Rubbermaid bin that holds the train tracks, only this time William was contained under the bin. Poor kid. I hope he's not too traumatized.


Kim said...

how fun! That sounds like Wyatt & Ammon, well, except they're both pretty loud! It's nice having Jayden around here to help out, too! I totally understand.

julie said...

Kim, are you saying I have a loud kid? Okay, I do. Sounds like a great weekend.