Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A little rant

This news story about a Chicago family deciding to only buy products and services from businesses owned by black people frustrates me so much. What would happen if I decided to only patronize businesses owned by white people? The ACLU and NAACP would descend upon me faster than I could blink. In no way do I consider myself a racist. A person's skin color certainly does not determine that person's intelligence, success, or worth. Are there differences in cultures? Yes, but I think all cultures have good and bad customs, traditions, and norms. In electing a black president was America really showing that it has overcome racism? I don't think so. I think the very fact that his race was mentioned proves that our society has a long way to go. Why should his skin color even matter? If we were beyond racism, it wouldn't have been mentioned and it wouldn't be a continuing news story. Was there anyone in America who voted for him just because of his race? Is that not a form of racism? I don't think the white population of America are the only participants in racism in our country. I think the African American community contributes to our division by continuing to make it an issue. So there, now I've gotten my rant out for the day.


Kellee said...

I agree. There is definitely a double standard.

Kellee said... the new pictures of the girls on the side.

JW and Alli said...

I heard this on the radio today in the car. I agree!!! JW and I were just talking about this, in his words "the door swings two ways".

Kim said...

Yep, the ACLU & NAACP would have a hay-day with us doing that! Isn't Obama trying to make any discrimination against gays & blacks a hate crime? It's just sad!