Tuesday, November 25, 2008


We finally got a new camera. I was so tired of trying to find a paperclip to be able to snap a picture. The button had broken off, and I can't tell you what a pain that was. What do you think of my new glasses? Our last camera had a terrible zoom, so I was playing around today to see what this one can do.

And here is the perfect little model to try out a new camera on. Now I have some more pictures to play with on picnik -- when I'm finished with my current class. I'm almost done!


Kellee said...

Love the glasses! Our new camera was my early Christmas present. Yeah! Ryan is really changing his look. He's more of a mix of you and Nate instead of almost all Nate.

julie said...

He is perfect and BEAUTIFUL. One thing Phil and I will never have is a blue eyed child. And I love the glasses. I have some almost just like that.

Susan said...

Julie, I didn't know you had glasses! It's tough getting old, huh? :)

Kim said...

Your glasses look awesome & your little Ryan is pure yummy!

Brigette Little said...

I love the new glasses, and Ryan is adorable!