Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Bunny

The Littles have the coolest Easter Bunny. He leaves clues around, and everyone has to go on a treasure hunt to find the present he brought them. It was always so much fun to do at their house that we asked our Easter Bunny to do the same for us. Hannah and Nikki love it. I think our bunny needs a little more practice coming up with good clues, but I think we have at least a couple more years until they figure out that our bunny has a really hard time finding clever things to say that rhyme.

We had our Easter Bunny come Saturday morning, so that our Sunday would be smoother and more focused on what Easter is about. I was sleeping on the couch when the girls woke up in the morning, and I heard them head to their baskets on the table. While Nikki wanted to dig right in, Hannah said, "No, let's wait for Mom and Dad." That kind of patience definitely had to be rewarded by going ahead and getting up.

Nikki finding her clues ...

Hannah hasn't decided yet that reading is fun, but she didn't even hesitate to try reading her clues.

She thought the Easter bunny was really silly for sticking her last clue in the dryer. She got a pretty good laugh over that one. He had also put one in the freezer, and one of their boiled, dyed eggs accompanied each clue, which meant that egg got frozen and cracked. Silly Easter Bunny, eggs go in the fridge not the freezer!

It was a great morning!


JW and Alli said...

I grew up with the Easter Bunny visiting on Saturday so the Easter Bunny visits our kids on Saturday, too! I can't imagine getting to 9AM church on time if the Bunny came Sunday morning. I like the clue hiding idea. After seeing this Lexi asked me why the Easter Bunny didn't hide clues for us. I told her we'll have to request that next Easter. :) Thanks for Easter dinner - it was great!

Kellee said...

Our Easter Bunny is too lazy for all that! We had some neighbors that had the Easter Bunny come Saturday too. We may do that next year. Why don't we do that for Christmas too? Would it be too wierd and crazy for Santa to come one day early?

Kristen said...

We do the Saturday thing too. Sunday is just way too hectic for us already, in addition to a hundred other reasons Saturday works better. Our Easter Bunny didn't hide clues, but I like that idea. How fun! Our Easter Bunny hides eggs all over the house, so the kids wake up first thing to an indoor Easter Egg hunt before they get to the baskets. They love it, and I think they enjoy that more than the actual gifts! We actually have Santa come early too. With having lots of family other places, we usually do the Santa thing a few days early. We just let the kids know, so the night before still holds the magic of Christmas Eve and the anticipation. I think you just have to adapt those things with what works in your family. I balked against the idea at first b/c it just didn't seem like Christmas, but now it works so well that I can't imagine it any other way. :)

Kim said...

I agree, the hunts are so much fun! I'm truly amazed that that bunny was able to come up with new clues all those years! The greenhouses did offer many amazing hiding places! The bunny even had clues for Julie's sweet mother-in-law this year, so she could experience Easter "Little-style." It was fun!