Sunday, March 16, 2008

I tagged Nate, too.

Nate thought being tagged was such a girl thing that I made him do it, too. And although he says I can't make him do anything, here are his answers.

5 Things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. On a mission in Argentina
2. What else am I going to do besides be on a mission?

5 Things On My To-Do List
1. Finish filling out our will.
2. Taxes
3. March madness
4. March madness
5. work

5 Snacks I enjoy
1. Nachos
2. Nestle Crunch bars
3. Oranges
4. Carrot sticks
5. Hot chocolate with lots of marshmallows (he tried to say yogurt, but this is more truthful)

5 Places I've lived
1. Pleasant Grove, UT
2. Argentina
3. Chesapeake, VA
4. Sumter, SC
5. Pikeville, NC

What I Would do if I became a billionaire:
1.Primary answers: pay my tithing, etc.
2. Invest the rest and live off the interest
3. Buy a house with cash
4. Give
5. Travel

5 Bad habits
1. This is a tough one.
2. Indecisiveness.
3. Working too much.
4. Watching too much sports.
5. Biting my wife's nose when I lose to her in games. (i.e. -- too competitive)

5 Jobs I've had
1. Janitor
2. Built Kitchen-champ blenders/mixers/wheat grinders
3. GIS Technician
4. GIS Project Manager
5. GIS Specialist

People don't know about me...
Hmm... I fell off my bike and hit my head on the road when I was 7 and got three stitches in my lip. Then, on the same street, when I was 17 I flew off the back of a car and hit my head again. This time I ended up in a coma for 2 days and in the hospital for 2 weeks. But the doctor told my mom that I was smart enough that I could afford to lose those few brain cells that were damaged. So, if you wonder why I'm slow to catch jokes and things, now you know. =)

I thought he did pretty good!


Kellee said...

I laughed so hard on the biting nose bit...I wish I had an excuse for being slow on jokes!

Kim said...

Way to go, Nate! I wonder if I could get Josh to do it???