Wednesday, March 05, 2008

So the chocolate background wasn't cutting it for me anymore. I'm a woman and I'm pregnant and I can change my mind as much as I want. Nate usually just nods his head when we get to that point in the conversation. He's a good man.

Nikki keeps coming up to me and kissing my tummy. She is so sweet. She also asks all the time how big the baby is right now or if the baby is hungry or if he's making my tummy feel sick. I think it's adorable how interested she is about it.

Hannah told me that next year she doesn't want to take piano lessons. I have always thought that I would require my kids to take at least one year of lessons and then let them decide if they wanted to continue. But she wants to take gymnastics and art lessons. That's a physical sport along with something cultural, so I think that is enough. And she loves art so much that I would really be excited for her to do that. But then I think will it be too late in a few more years for her to get a good start if she wanted to do piano later? I'm feeling a little torn because I think gaining a beginning understanding of music is so important. I also feel bad because I ruined her excitement about piano this year when I gave her a few lessons but never pushed her to practice. I shouldn't have even attempted that. I knew better to start with. Well, I guess we'll see if we can even find art lessons.

I played the organ for a funeral yesterday. I went to church Monday and practised for the first time in a very long time. I was reminded of how much I really enjoy it. That was the best class that I took, and I have felt tempted to just continue studying the organ rather than work on my bachelor's degree. I don't have the time or money to do both. I even went as far as to look online for practice organs that have a full pedal board that would fit in a home. I have an old Hammond organ that was given to me, but it only has one octave of toe pedals which are basically worthless if you're trying to learn to play correctly. I could find one that's nice enough for about $3500, which I thought was pretty good. If we had $3500 to throw into an organ. Just a crazy dream.

Every day Hannah asks me what we have for lunch, and every day I tell her the same things, and every day she says she doesn't want that. She says she doesn't like sandwiches, but she will eat peanut butter and jelly when she has to. She actually really likes them, but won't admit it. She won't try any kind of sandwich meat. This past week I told her that she would have to decide what she wanted for lunch on her own because I'm tired of the routine, and there were at least two days where she didn't eat at all. So that didn't work. What do your kids eat for lunch? She would choose macaroni and cheese everyday if I let her, but I won't let her.


Kellee said...

The best ages to start piano are between 7-9 so she's got time to take a break and pick it up later if she wants. I'm a big fan of piano just because it seems every ward needs pianists and then they can easily learn any other instrument later.

For lunch, our big hit is Ramen noodles. I can't stand them. Karoline is now eating left overs or ham and cheese sandwhiches with me.

Brigette Little said...

Hey, Susan! I just re-found your blog from Kim's and it's been fun looking through. Your girls are so adorable! When is your baby due? Little boys are awesome - so much fun. You'll love having a boy, too!

I have a picky eater, too. We've been successful with crackers and cheese, cut up fruit, etc. Sometimes kids will try stuff if it looks interesting, too. We've used pita bread and tortillas for sandwiches, and just called them something else. Sometimes it works! With Garrett, I often have to give him 2-3 choices and let him pick from those to speed up the decision process. Good luck!

We've got a family blog up now, too. It's at

Susan said...

Hey Brigette! I'm so glad you have a blog. You have such a great family, and it's fun to see what you're doing. Our baby is due in late August, and I've never been pregnant through the summer, so this will be a new experience!

Thanks for the lunch tips guys. We'll see if we can't find something different to try today. I'm thinking maybe I'll cut up some ham and cheese into hearts and stars. Hannah actually will eat ham, just not on bread.