I have had the world's worst cold for the past few days, but I have found a few perks that have come with it. I can't smell anything, so I have been able to empty the kitchen trash can, I was able to spend some time in the garage with the kittens without even thinking about the stench, and the kids were running in and out of the house last week in the beautiful weather and I couldn't smell their sweaty little bodies. So nice! I have also decided that coughing is probably a more effective abdominal exercise than crunches. If you cough long enough you can definitely work up a sweat. =)
I think I am on the mend, and I am certainly happy about that. I slept much better last night (oh, that's another side effect -- it felt like I was in training for a newborn since I was waking up so much in the middle of the night with my coughing), and today I actually have been able to smell a few things. I'm not so sure I really want my sense of smell back, but I'll be very happy to be rid of the cough.
That is looking at the glass half full if I've ever heard it. :)
I'm kind of thinking the not smelling would really be a great thing. Maybe I should buy some nose plugs. Somehow I don't think it would work as well. :)
Glad you're feeling better.
Robin has been sick too. I wish I could visit both of you and bring you both some soup, take care of the kids, and let you both completely rest. I envy old times when families almost always lived just down the street from each other and could always take care of each other. Hope you have a full recovery soon.
Way to look on the bright side!
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