Thursday, March 13, 2008


So I don't know how many Susan's Brigette knows, but I'm going to pretend that she meant me when she wrote my name on her blog. =) This was fun to think about.

5 Things I Was Doing 10 Years Ago
1. I was a senior in high school.
2. I had only been out of my turtle-shell backbrace (which I had to wear following my back surgery) for a couple of months.
3. I was probably skipping (or sluffing as they said in Utah) AP English.
4. I was annoying Jim with my piano practicing. Hopefully he's forgiven me. =)
5. And I was excited about heading to BYU in the fall.

5 Things On My To-Do List
1. Put away the laundry Nate folded last night.
2. Cut the grass -- just with the riding lawn mower, I actually have a good excuse to let Nate push the ditches this year. =)
3. Finish a chapter in my History book.
4. Clean the house, as always.
5. Practice my flute for a song I'll be playing at church on Saturday. Yikes!

5 Snacks I Enjoy
Oh, there are so many!
1. Chips and salsa
2. Oranges
3. Graham crackers and milk
4. Peanuts (I used to love it when Granddaddy would roast them on a cookie sheet and serve them hot.)
5. Oreo milkshakes

5 Places I've Lived
1. Edenton, NC (and now Pikeville)
2. Orem & Provo, UT
3. Rincon, GA
4. Chesapeake, VA
5. Sumter, SC

What I Would Do if I Became a Billionaire
1. Pay Tithing and donate lots to the Church's humanitarian aid and Perpetual Education Fund
2. Have fun figuring out who could use some anonymous help and just what would be the best to do for them, because it's not always just getting money that's good for people.
3. Watch my compound interest grow and grow.
4. Travel with Nate to lots of places, especially to Switzerland and Paris. I'm sure he'd want to go to Argentina, which would be neat to see.
5. Enjoy not worrying about gas prices.

5 Bad Habits
1. Napping in the afternoons.
2. Leaving my shoes wherever I am when I take them off.
3. Misplacing my car keys.
4. Neglecting just about everything when I get into a good book.
5. I don't brush my hair. =) On our first date, I don't remember what the conversation was about, but Nate made some comment about hair and looked at me and said "You brush your hair don't you" like every normal person would do that. I think he was pretty shocked when I said that actually I don't. It would be worse if I did.

5 Jobs I've Had
1. Working in the greenhouses
2. EFY counselor
3. data entry for library card catalogues
4. Softlines at Wal-Mart
5. Mother

People don't know about me ...
When I get up from a laying down position I always use the log roll. I had to do that after my back surgery, and I still do it today. I have to roll over onto my side like a log, keeping my legs and body in line, and then push up to a sitting position before I can stand up. Bet you were really interested in knowing that! Also, most of the foods I don't like aren't really because of the taste. I have a hard time with weird food textures. I couldn't tell you what a mushroom tastes like, but I know they feel gross. The same goes for coconut. I like the taste of that, but I don't like how it feels when I bite it. Raw tomatoes are disgusting because of their feel, too - both firm and slimy together. Except I did try some collard greens at Nell's at Christmas, and I think the biggest problem there was the aftertaste. I won't be trying those again any time soon. Everything else was wonderful, though, Nell! So, there you have it.

And I tag Kellee, Kristen, and Alli (but I don't think Alli will do it :-}).


JW and Alli said...

WHAT? You think WHAT??? You are in trouble, girl!

Kellee said...

Thanks Susan. That was fun! I could ditto a lot of your comments, especially about food textures!

Kellee said...

Thanks Susan. That was fun! I could ditto a lot of your comments, especially about food textures!

Brigette Little said...

Yep! You're the Susan I meant! I had to laugh when I read about you neglecting everything while reading a good book. I do the same thing (On the rare occassion I get to read one!) I'm a shoe-leaver, too. I guess I have more bad habits than I realized! :)

JW and Alli said...

Alright. Since I don't maintain my own blog I'm putting this in your comment area.
1. Attending BYU-Hawaii
2. Thinking I was someday going to marry the guy I was dating.
3. Waiting for my 1st niece to be born any day.
4. Working in the college cafeteria.
5. not going to the beach very often.
1. primary stuff
2. finish re-finishing Grandma's chair that I've started to re-finish.:)
3. mop the hardwoods.
4. catch up on my scrapbooks - I'm only 2 years behind!
5. weed the flower beds
1. the torrero leftovers in the fridge that JW brought home from work
2. little candies that JW uses for the seminary kids.
3. eclair dessert that we made for the missionaries earlier this week.
4. chips and FRESH salsa, has to be fresh.
5. popcorn
1. South Jordan UT
2. Sandy UT
3. Laie, Hawaii
4. Vinton (Roanoke) VA
5. Goldsboro, NC
1. pay tithing and donate $ to the church, pay for some missionaries missions. Do other charitable things for people/family/friends.
2. Send my parents on a mission and pay for their retirement
4. have JW work only part-time. (He'd have to still work - or I wouldn't get anything done.)
5. hire a maid - I like a clean house but hate cleaning.
1. losing my keys almost daily
2. wearing my hat every other day because I'd rather spend my time making sure my house is presentable and not myself.
3. talking - I know where Emma gets it from.
4. not exercising because JW can't go running with me anymore.
5. over-analyzing.
1. nanny
2. cafeteria cashier/dishwasher/server
3. operational assistant in the credit mgmt dept at Zions bank
4. secret shopper for hotel sales staff
5. JW's remodeling assistant (5x's)
I can still do the splits and can do a headstand for quite a while. I still am a bit of a tomboy at heart. I love to ride my bike up and down our street and I feel like I'm 10 again when I'm on it. There's lots more that people don't know about me - but it's probably better that way. :)

And I don't tag anyone because I like being it. (Besides, everyone I know in the blogging world has been tagged.)

Phew! That was kind of hard!

Susan said...

Alli! Yea, you did it! =) That was fun to read. Thanks!

Kristen said...

Susan! I loved reading about you. How fun! I felt like so many times I could just leave what you'd written. I tried to think of new ones, but sometimes I just couldn't and left it after all. :)