Friday, March 28, 2008

Through a child's eyes

It's always interesting to get a glimpse into how my kids see things. The other day Nikki was telling me she was cold, so I told her to put some socks on. She said, "No mom, my feet aren't cold, my body is cold." It dawned on me that she must think I'm crazy for all the thousands of times I've told her to put socks on when she is complaining about her arms or legs or something else being cold. To me, putting socks on would keep all of your body warmer, but that really wouldn't make sense to her unless I had explained it. It makes me wonder about what else I say to them that I think is clear but causes them to think I've lost my mind.


Kellee said...

That is pretty funny! That reminds of when Chris used to ask if it was "fast" Sunday or "slow" Sunday. We, as adults, do assume too much that they understand everything we do.

Kellee said...

That is pretty funny! That reminds of when Chris used to ask if it was "fast" Sunday or "slow" Sunday. We, as adults, do assume too much that they understand everything we do.

Kellee said...

Sorry, that's the 2nd time I've posted the same comment twice. Trigger happy.

Kim said...

Jayden's just started asking, "What do you mean when you say that, Mom?" I guess I do that more often than I thought!

Brigette Little said...

How funny! My problem lately has been that the kids always think I am talking to them when I am answering a sibling. For example, Isaac the other day asked if the dishes in the dishwasher were clean, right as I told Garrett, "No. You've had enough peanut butter for one day." The look on his face was priceless!