Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A Few Things Around Here

1. We have some hearing issues in our family. Nate says it's because I mumble, and I say it's because nobody listens to me. =) Here are two examples that I can think of right off the top of my head, but this happens all the time.

Me: Where are the clippers?
Nikki: Your slippers?

Me: It smells like you've been holding my hand. (Nate thought the lotion he used smelled too feminine)
Nate: I smell like a little old man?

The girls think it's funny and try to find as many rhyming words as they can. I guess that makes it an educational event.

2. "Set your goals—without goals you can't measure your progress. But don't become frustrated if the victories don't come quickly or easily. Remind yourself that striving can be more important than arriving. If you are striving for excellence—if you are trying your best day by day with the wisest use of your time and energy to reach realistic goals—you are a success, and you can feel proud of your accomplishments." -- Marvin J. Ashton, "Be a Quality Person," Ensign, Feb. 1993, 64

I like that quote. I'm currently taking a religion class from BYU, and I just love it! The textbooks are the scriptures and a compilation of quotes from prophets and other leaders of the church. You can't find better reading material than that. It's kept me pretty busy for the past few weeks. Nate is taking his first graduate-school course, so our evenings have mostly been study time lately.

3. Can I just give a huge shout-out to Pampers? I used Luvs for the girls and had no problems, but they just didn't cut it with Ryan. He usually just has one or two blow-outs a week, which makes them blow-outs. But when he got sick, it turned into a several-times-a-day event, and then his medicine just prolonged that. I think if those diapers had leaked every time he filled one I would have screamed and made him nap in the bathtub. Hooray for diapers that don't leak, and thank goodness the medicine is finished. He actually slept 10 1/2 hours last night, and I am confident it was because he didn't blow his diaper out at 2 am.

4. Track-out starts tomorrow. Weren't they just out of school? Yes, that's right, we were returning to our groove after Christmas break, and then we had a huge snow storm, and now my children will be out of school for another three weeks. I guess we'll just have to learn something at home because they don't seem to be at school very often. Today when they get home we're going to plan out a schedule for the next couple of weeks. I want to go to a couple of different museums close by, get my hair cut at the salon in the mall (the girls consider it a huge treat to go to the mall), try a couple of science experiments, maybe have a craft or two (not too many for Nikki's sake), make some cute Valentines, do some baking, hit the library (note to myself: find out when they have storytime). I'm still thinking about what else to add. Any ideas? The most important part of our planning will be setting up a schedule so that I can still get my homework done without my two girl kitties climbing all over me. For the summer we made a list of several different activities they could do on their own when they have some down time, and we will definitely make another one of those. Hopefully, we can make this fun.

5. I finally got a calling at church. I'll be helping out with the Sunbeams (the three-year-olds). We have about 20 of them, yes 20 three-year-olds. So, even though they are split into two classes, it is crazy. I'm not the teacher, I'll be more crowd control than anything else. Since I have to feed Ryan sometime during church, this will work really well for me right now. I love the Sunbeams. You can never guess what they're going to say next.


Eileen and Chuck said...

We have those "communication glitches" in our house, too--but after 10 years in the mint, they are real hearing glitches! It can be hilarious if you don't get testy about it! Kim can help with the "what-to-do-with-kids" ideas. And good luck with the Sunbeams--like you need more LITTLE people!! So glad Ryan is better! Love you!

JW and Alli said...

Hearing issues are here, too! Communication sure can be tricky at times. When the girls are off-track you can always take a field trip to Goldsboro. We would be happy to entertain you all. I've been thinking that the girls would love to have H&N sleepover sometime. We'll have to check our schedules. Congrats to Nate on entering Grad school - I didn't see that one coming. What will his degree be? And finally congrats on the calling. Have fun with those lively 3 year olds! :)

Kristen said...

The hearing issues made me laugh. I have speaking issues. I think I have so much going through my mind all the time that I start a sentence and then my mind starts moving ahead of my mouth and I finish the sentence with a different thought. Like I might say to the kids, "Make sure you scoot your chair back under the dishwasher." They crack up at me. :) Somehow, I suspect if I'm this bad already, what will I be like at 80?

Kellee said...

Your mumbling made me laugh! Isn't that JW that always mumbles? :) Joe has a funny habit of never finishing his sentences. "Kel, I was thinking about................" I always have to laugh and say, "It sure would be nice to hear the rest of that sentence."

Congrats on the new calling! Love that you're taking a religion class. I really should take an Institute class here. Tell Nate good luck...and what else did you write about? Oh, kid ideas. There are so many! Look on-line and you'll always find a million! Or a great library book for kid activities too. Have you ever gone on a walk and flipped a coin? Heads, go left and Tails, go right? It's fun! That's if it's warm enough to go on a walk.

Love the quote on #2 too. That is a lot more encouraging that way.

Mike and Sherrie said...

Add us to your list during track out, especially when you need a break. Eliza loves having playdates these days. Give us a call. -Sherrie

Kellee said...

I just saw you comment under the swatches post. I'm not sure what season you are. Next time I see you, I'll try to figure it out :)

Susan said...

Nate is taking a class towards a GIS certificate (whatever that may be), and this April he will apply for the Master's program. This class will apply to that, too. I'm not sure I knew how much work grad school would be, but I like the good use of our time. Thanks Alli & Sherrie for the track-out invites. And, Kristen, I have the same problem of thinking beyond what I am saying. Maybe I should take a communications class!