Thursday, January 15, 2009

When did I become busy?

Do you ever feel like you've run a marathon before 8 am? I look forward to this point in the morning when I can sit down for a minute. Yesterday, Hannah made me feel so good and she didn't even know it. I have a laid-back personality which leans towards laziness and procrastination. Yesterday, Hannah was looking through some old scrapbook papers that I had given her and showed me a picture of a beehive with the caption "Busy as a Bee." Hannah said, "Mom, that's just like you." It took me by surprise because I'm always concerned that I don't accomplish as much as I should each day. I guess it really is true that our weaknesses can become strengths. I don't have to be a lazy procrastinator for the rest of my life. It is possible that one day that temptation won't even be tempting to me.

I read this quote by President David O. McKay yesterday, "Your greatest weakness will be the point at which Satan will try to tempt you, will try to win you; and if you have made yourself weak, he will add to that weakness. Resist him, and you will gain in strength. If he tempts you another way, resist him again and he will become weaker. In turn, you become stronger, until you can say no matter what your surroundings may be, 'Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.' (Luke 4:8) .... Remember, you cannot tamper with the evil one. Resist temptation, resist Satan, and he will flee from you." (David O. McKay, in Improvement Era, July 1968, p. 3)


Kellee said...

I bet you are busier than you just like to take breaks every now and then, right? :)

Kristen said...

Love the quotes!!!