Sunday, January 11, 2009

How you know your child is sick ...

When you're grateful that her fever has come down to 102.8.

Nikki has had a nasty fever this past week, and yesterday when she started complaining that her side hurt when she breathed we got even more concerned. After a trip to the ER we found out she has pneumonia. My poor little girl. She was so pitiful yesterday. This is the first time I have ever seen someone burning up with a fever but still feel cold. I've only seen that in movies about the olden days. I think the antibiotics must already be doing their job because she was actually able to sleep in this morning, and she has perked up quite a bit already.


JW and Alli said...

Poor Nikki! A lot of junk seems to be going around! We've had the stomach flu and an ear infection this week. Spring is around the corner and hopefully better health!! Give her a kiss and hug from us!

Kellee said...

Glad she's doing a little better. That is never fun to watch your kids sick. I LOVE modern medicine and technology!!! I meet more and more homeschooling moms who don't appreciate doctors and medicine.

Alli, haven't you guys already had spring all winter? :) Hope your family gets better soon too.

We just have had a cold in our house. Luke's cough is getting a little rougher each day...sounds more croupy (sp?) this morning.

Kristen said...

Poor girl. I'm glad the medicine is doing its job. Hope she feels better soon! Take care!!!

Kim said...

I'm so sorry! High fever's are scary! We're doing the cold thing here & just praying that it doesn't work into RSV for little Wy-guy. No fun! Thank goodness for medicine & doctors!!

Kristen said...

Just wanted to say that I downloaded the K9 filter & LOVE it already! Thanks for the great tip!

JW and Alli said...

Kellee - don't know if you'll read this but yes, we have had a Logan Spring all winter. :) You got me on that one.

Brigette Little said...

Poor sweetie! Hope she's back to normal soon. Hug her for us!