Thursday, January 15, 2009

Oh, come on!

Okay, time for a rant.

I heard on the radio news yesterday that the man Obama wants to appoint as the Treasury Secretary avoided paying $34,000 of self-employment taxes until just a few days before he was going to be named for this position. Are you kidding me? We're going to have a tax evader for a Treasury Secretary? Come on, America.

Our homeowner's association in our neighborhood pays for the lawn maintenance of everyone's yards. Very convenient in the summer, I must say. But there are men out in the neighborhood today -- IN JANUARY -- with weedeaters and blowers maintaining everyone's yards. Now, I don't wish any of these lawn maintenance workers to be out of a job during the winter months, but come on! I'm sure our association fee could be put to some better use -- like staying in my pocket.

Speaking of the neighborhood yards, we have a neighbor who has a truck pull up to their house about once a week with the name "Doody Calls" on the side of the truck. The man spends some time out in their yard cleaning up after their dog and then moves on to another neighbor. What? You pay someone to do that? And are there really that many people who use that service to support a business? Do these people just have too much money, are they really that busy that they can't do it themselves, or are they even lazyier than me? Surely, there is somewhere better they can spend that money. Come on, America. No wonder we're drowning in debt and foreclosures.


julie said...

I agree with all of the above. Sad, sad world.

Kellee said...

I was telling Joe about the Treasury Secretary guy last night. It's incredible!!

JW and Alli said...

AHHHHH! I haven't watched the news or listened to the radio recently. It's probably better I don't cause I get too uptight about it all and the lack of control we have over it! We really have "smart" people at the top, don't we?

About busy - your house is tidy, you get supper on the table, you care for 3 kids. To me, that is enough to be busy with. You don't have to be running around like a chicken with its head cut off to be busy! :)

Brigette Little said...

I'm with you - crazy, huh?!

Kim said...

Thanks for the laugh! I love the Doody Calls thing. I would probably have pride issues with telling people where I worked if I did that. As for the Obama thing, I really have tried to avoid it....keeps the blood pressure down. I'm just wondering how much permanent damage he can do in the next 4's a scary thought!